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Warminster Soccer Club


Kicking with the Instep
This kick is used for long ball passing, shooting, corner kicks and goal kicks. The kick must be made with the instep (lace of the shoe).  The non-kicking food should be placed by the side of the ball; eyes must be on the ball, follow through with the foot.
Break out in pairs. 
Players start passing to each other using the instep.
Start about 10 yards apart and increase as confidence and ability improve.
Practice shots on goal from 18 yard line, also corner kicks and goal kicks.
Practice with dead ball and then moving ball running towards and then running away from player.
Kicking the ball with the inside of the foot
This kick is used for short passes, wall passes and can also be used effectively for penalty shots. The inside of the foot shot is very accurate.
Practice in pairs, stand 6 yards apart, pass the ball to each other.
Start with a dead ball then try passing the moving ball back to partner, you can then use three players passing a moving ball to each other in a triangle.
Keep your eye on the ball, push the ball with the inside of the foot.
Kicking with the Outside of the Foot
This is used to pass the ball or to control the ball when running.
Practice running around a passive player or place several items such as cones on the ground and have the player dribble around them using both the inside and outside of the foot. (weave in and out)
Volley Kick
This is when the ball is in the air and is used mainly for clearance from defense but may also be used as a powerful shot on goal.  Timing must be perfect and you must keep your eyes on the ball. This can also be used as a long pass. 
Hold the ball in your hands.
Drop it and kick it while in the air then get another player to lob the ball to you from about six yards and then have them move further away and lob the ball. 

Back Heel
This can be used to pass the ball back to another player.
Get everyone in a circle with a ball
They run with the ball and when the coach shouts “back”, the players back heel kick and receive the ball from the player in front of them. 

Drop Kick/Half Volley
This is when the ball hits the ground at the same time as you kick it.  It is used by goalkeepers to make an accurate kick or by players clearing or shooting on goal.
Drop the ball and kick it as it hits the ground

Extra Kicking Drills
Form a circle (have players spread out to create space), one player is in the middle.  The ball is passed around and the centre person tries to intercept.  When the ball is intercepted, the last person to pass the ball has to trade places with the placer in the centre. 

For fun, you can have two teams.  The first player on each team dribbles the ball around the obstacles and passed with the inside of the foot to the next player.  This goes on until all players have played.  Make sure players use both inside and outside of the foot.  The first team to be seated with their hands on their heads wins.

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