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Warminster Soccer Club


(remind players that the ball will not hurt you if you head it but will hurt if you let it hit your head, there is a difference)
Heading Forward
The ball must be met with the forehead.
Do not let the ball hit the head, but hit the ball with your head, keep your eyes open!
Throw the ball in the air and head it forward
In pairs stand about six feet apart and throw the ball to another player, have that player head it back.
To make it harder, have the pairs move farther apart with each successful head.

Heading with side of the head
The ball must be hit with the side of the forehead and the neck muscles must be used to power the ball.
Throw the ball in the air and head it with the side of the forehead.
Heading the ball towards the goal
Have one player throw the ball from the side of the net and then have another player attempt to head the ball into the goal.
Alternate players and repeat from the other side of the box

Heading the ball (simplified)

1.Look at the ball
When players have a fear of soccer heading they look away from the ball.
Ironically this greatly increases the chances of injury and makes heading the ball harder.
Look at the ball while preparing to head and when heading. You can target the part of the ball you wish to strike with your head.
2.  Plant your feet
Staying on your toes or leaning back on your heels reduces power.
Plant your feet. Imagine you are an object like skyscraper or tree that has too strong of a foundation to move.
3. Bend your knees
Bending your knees slightly helps you maintain balance and build momentum.
4. Lean back
Lean your body backwards. You lean back to build momentum, just like you bend your leg back to gain momentum before kicking a soccer ball.
5. Jump (optional)
Jump if the ball is too high. Push off the ground as hard as you can.
Time your jump so that your head reaches the height of the ball.
6.  Move your head forward quickly
The faster you head the ball, the more power you generate. Use the middle of your forehead to head the ball. It’s the biggest, most solid surface on your head.

Extra Heading Drills
Have two players stand side by side, another player lobs the ball towards them, the players must try to be the one to head the ball
Try the same exercise with the ball being thrown into the penalty box and headed towards the goal.
Have the team form a circle. Have one player in the middle.  Try to keep the ball in the air and away from the centre player, the ball may be headed or lobbed with the foot but if it touches the ground, the last player to touch it must change places with the centre player.

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