Multi Player Drills
Goal Line Corner Kick
This difficult to defend line corner kick play, is a great offensive tool to use for your team. This has seen the most success out of any corner kick play.
- This goal line corner kick play uses 6-7 attackers into the box.
- 1 player on the corner, and 2 more defenders we assume marking 1 striker.
- Players 1, 2, 3, 5 all begin on the goal line.
- Player 4 just a few yards off of the goal line at the back post.
- Player 6 at the penalty spot.
- Player 7 out wide making a late run to show for a short corner.
- This starting point makes it difficult for defenders to know where the runs will be made.
- Top picture is starting point, 2nd picture is where runs are finished.
- 1-6 players as they corner taker proceeds towards the ball, will make a 5-7 yard sprint at an angle away from the ball, and then sprint towards finishing point.
- Player 7 sprints to show late for the ball as a short corner.
- 1 finishes at the corner of the 6 yard box to flick a near post ball onwards.
- 2 finishes near the line at the near post.
- 3 finishes central on the 6 yard box.
- 4 finishes slightly behind the back post on the 6 yard box.
- 5 finishes 12 yards high, outside of the back post, not allowing anything to carry out past that area, but can continue run 12 yards high more centrally depending on where the ball is coming into.
- 6 finishes a few yards outside of the 18 yard box, and must 1 touch drive towards goal any ball that comes out. This player should NEVER take a player on in order to prevent an outnumbered counter attack.
- If a short corner occurs, all players should repeat the initial runs and not stand in one place.
A quick dribbling warmup!
This simple dribbling warmup drill is an efficient way to get all of your players warming up together. They all need a ball and inside a small box they dribble the ball awaiting you to call out moves
- Set up a box for dribbling, approximately 20 by 20 yards.
- Every player needs a ball at their feet.
- All players jog with the ball inside the box, using all parts of their feet, laces, inside, outside, and bottom of feet.
- Coach calls out instructions for a specific skill that upon the call, all players perform as quickly as possible, then a quick 5 step acceleration after the move.
- This exercise should begin as a jog pace, move performed as quick as possible, and must have the acceleration afterward into space.
- Examples to instruct: turn, right foot only, left foot only, bottom of feet only, step over, stop and juggle 10 times, etc.
2 Line Drill
This simple 2 line warmup is a great team exercise!
This 2 line warmup can also be used for conditioning your soccer players. This is a commonly used team warmup, and all teams should warm up as a unit, in a well organized fashion.
- Your 2 line warmup are just 2 even lines, jogging across the field and back, or around it
- Players maintain a jog pace a few steps apart from player ahead of them.
- The coach, or one player is in charge of leading this, calling out instructions.
- Example: Jogging across sideline to sideline, coach leads the warm up. He/she calls out jump, right/left hand to the ground, and players respond in unison. Coach calls out back to front, and on "GO" back 2 players sprint to the front.
- All players warming up together, should maintain same pace
- Back to front, back players sprint to the front.
- Front to back, front players sprint forward 5 yards, then backwards to end of line.
- Spread players 5 yards apart as they jog, and back player sprints weaving inbetween each player in his/her line until reaching the front, or front turns and weaves to back.
- Side to side, players skip side step facing sideways, then flip.
- Use this as a fitness drill towards end of a soccer practice, can extend to longer then 10 minutes for more fitness.
- Any footwork/exercise you can try incorporating into this type of drill, experiment!
3 Line Drill
3 lines of 4-5 players warm up in short, quick repetition movements prior to a game or training session. Have your coach lead the way calling out the variety of movements.
- Set up this 3 lines by putting your team into lines of 3, with 4-5 players in each.
- Mark a starting line, and a line to turn at approximately 10-15 yards apart.
- Have your coach run the team through the exercise.
- Players jog as a group, in lines of 3, from start line to end line, turn and jog back in their lines.
- Exercise should be sharp and quick.
- Variety of activities can be done: knee's up, side skips, short sprints, jog backwards, etc.
- Increase speed/sharpness as players get warmed up.
Ball Touches Drill
Ball touches are one of the best ways to warm up your players, while having them work on all their soccer ball skills in a quick, efficient format.
- For these soccer ball skills, have 1 ball per every 2 players, who stand roughly 5 yards apart.
- Have players get 10 touches for each foot, on each area (area's listed below).
- 1 touch passing, 10 each foot.
- 2 touch passing, 10 each foot.
- Players should perform this while on their toes throughout the exercise.
- All passes should be done as accurately as possible.
- Set up this 3 team warmup by splitting players into teams of 4.
- 1 ball per team.
- Players pass within their group of 4 inside the area.
- Players should all be in constant movement, with changes of pace to find space.
- Diamond shape should be a focus to maintain good team shape.
- Players should all be communicating with teammates, calling for passes, calling to the receiver of the pass.
- Passes should be accurate, into space or to feet.
- Players should not be bunched, nor should soccer balls hit each other.
- This also builds great awareness.
- Limit touches to 1 or 2 touch.
- Add a passive defender that can defend any ball/team.
- Allow defender to win the ball.
In and Out Team Drill
Warm up your players with this drill by having your team sprint in and out in an organized circle. Players enjoy this and it ensures you can monitor all of your players properly warming up as a group.
- This fun interactive in and out team warm up, have your players set up in a circle around you in the middle, roughly 10-15 yards away from you.
- Players "home position" is the initial circle and always jogging on the spot.
- If you call in, players sprint into roughly 1-2 yards from you, then back peddle quickly to the home position jogging on the spot.
- If you call out, players turn and sprint away from you until you call "back" and they sprint back into the home position circle.
- Ensure players don't stand flat footed at any time, always on their toes!
- Players should have a good sweat after this warm up.
- Can mix up the calls, for example: sit ups, push ups, jump up, knees up at home position, sprint right or left maintaining the circle shape.
Line Touches Drill
- Set up your team in 2 lines to get their line touches on the ball (4-5 per line max) - 1 ball only needed.
- Players use 2 touch to pass to line facing them, then quickly jog to the end of the line to which they passed the ball.
- Players should all be on their toes ready for the pass.
- Passes should be crisp and accurate.
- Players should be calling for the pass, and to whom they are passing to.
- 1st touch should get the ball out of their feet and 2nd should be the crisp pass.
- Remember, encourage successes!
- Have players use 1 touch only.
- Have 1 line pick the ball up, and throw underhand and player volleys the ball back to other line. After each throw/volley players still run to opposite line.
- Have players use their thigh to bring ball to ground and pass back along the ground.
- Have players use their chest to bring the ball down and pass back to other line.
- Place a cone 5 yards on either side of the central point between the 2 lines. To run to the line opposite players must run outside of the cone to their right.
Communication in Soccer:
Communication in soccer is an often overlooked area to coach your players on. There are simple ways to incorporate this into almost every drill, and even some specific drills to work on it.
- To work on communication in soccer, number your players 1-8 in a circle.
- Circle 7-10 yards in diameter, and have a ball with #1 player.
- Players ALWAYS pass to the next number to theirs, 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 etc and 8 to 1 so the drill begins very basic.
- You call out 2 numbers, those 2 players must sprint around the outside of the circle (in same direction) and stopping when they reach the opening created by the other number.
- You can add in a mistake or errand pass results in push ups or sit ups, but keep them quick (possibly the number of the player in error).
- Example: Players begin passing, you call out 3 and 7. Players must continue to pass until 3 sprints around ending in the 7 position, and the 7 player in the 3 position. Players keep their numbers, 1-8 but the ball will no longer be in a simple circle, forcing players to call for the ball and communication should start to improve.
- Players CAN slightly delay their run until making a pass if necessary.
- Passes should always be firm to feet.
- Players should always be on their toes ready for the pass.
- Players should call for the ball, AND call out who they are passing to.
- Remember, encourage successes!
- Use 2 balls.
- Limit 1 touch only so they must weight passes and communicate even more.
***this drill could also be completed using colored/marked pylons instead of numbers***
This difficult to defend line corner kick play, is a great offensive tool to use for your team. This has seen the most success out of any corner kick play.
- This goal line corner kick play uses 6-7 attackers into the box.
- 1 player on the corner, and 2 more defenders we assume marking 1 striker.
- Players 1, 2, 3, 5 all begin on the goal line.
- Player 4 just a few yards off of the goal line at the back post.
- Player 6 at the penalty spot.
- Player 7 out wide making a late run to show for a short corner.
- This starting point makes it difficult for defenders to know where the runs will be made.
- Top picture is starting point, 2nd picture is where runs are finished.
- 1-6 players as they corner taker proceeds towards the ball, will make a 5-7 yard sprint at an angle away from the ball, and then sprint towards finishing point.
- Player 7 sprints to show late for the ball as a short corner.
- 1 finishes at the corner of the 6 yard box to flick a near post ball onwards.
- 2 finishes near the line at the near post.
- 3 finishes central on the 6 yard box.
- 4 finishes slightly behind the back post on the 6 yard box.
- 5 finishes 12 yards high, outside of the back post, not allowing anything to carry out past that area, but can continue run 12 yards high more centrally depending on where the ball is coming into.
- 6 finishes a few yards outside of the 18 yard box, and must 1 touch drive towards goal any ball that comes out. This player should NEVER take a player on in order to prevent an outnumbered counter attack.
- If a short corner occurs, all players should repeat the initial runs and not stand in one place.
A quick dribbling warmup!
This simple dribbling warmup drill is an efficient way to get all of your players warming up together. They all need a ball and inside a small box they dribble the ball awaiting you to call out moves
- Set up a box for dribbling, approximately 20 by 20 yards.
- Every player needs a ball at their feet.
- All players jog with the ball inside the box, using all parts of their feet, laces, inside, outside, and bottom of feet.
- Coach calls out instructions for a specific skill that upon the call, all players perform as quickly as possible, then a quick 5 step acceleration after the move.
- This exercise should begin as a jog pace, move performed as quick as possible, and must have the acceleration afterward into space.
- Examples to instruct: turn, right foot only, left foot only, bottom of feet only, step over, stop and juggle 10 times, etc.
2 Line Drill
This simple 2 line warmup is a great team exercise!
This 2 line warmup can also be used for conditioning your soccer players. This is a commonly used team warmup, and all teams should warm up as a unit, in a well organized fashion.
- Your 2 line warmup are just 2 even lines, jogging across the field and back, or around it
- Players maintain a jog pace a few steps apart from player ahead of them.
- The coach, or one player is in charge of leading this, calling out instructions.
- Example: Jogging across sideline to sideline, coach leads the warm up. He/she calls out jump, right/left hand to the ground, and players respond in unison. Coach calls out back to front, and on "GO" back 2 players sprint to the front.
- All players warming up together, should maintain same pace
- Back to front, back players sprint to the front.
- Front to back, front players sprint forward 5 yards, then backwards to end of line.
- Spread players 5 yards apart as they jog, and back player sprints weaving inbetween each player in his/her line until reaching the front, or front turns and weaves to back.
- Side to side, players skip side step facing sideways, then flip.
- Use this as a fitness drill towards end of a soccer practice, can extend to longer then 10 minutes for more fitness.
- Any footwork/exercise you can try incorporating into this type of drill, experiment!
3 Line Drill
3 lines of 4-5 players warm up in short, quick repetition movements prior to a game or training session. Have your coach lead the way calling out the variety of movements.
- Set up this 3 lines by putting your team into lines of 3, with 4-5 players in each.
- Mark a starting line, and a line to turn at approximately 10-15 yards apart.
- Have your coach run the team through the exercise.
- Players jog as a group, in lines of 3, from start line to end line, turn and jog back in their lines.
- Exercise should be sharp and quick.
- Variety of activities can be done: knee's up, side skips, short sprints, jog backwards, etc.
- Increase speed/sharpness as players get warmed up.
Ball Touches Drill
Ball touches are one of the best ways to warm up your players, while having them work on all their soccer ball skills in a quick, efficient format.
- For these soccer ball skills, have 1 ball per every 2 players, who stand roughly 5 yards apart.
- Have players get 10 touches for each foot, on each area (area's listed below).
- 1 touch passing, 10 each foot.
- 2 touch passing, 10 each foot.
- Players should perform this while on their toes throughout the exercise.
- All passes should be done as accurately as possible.
3 Team Drill
Try this easy 3 team warmup with your team. Focus on communication, movement, passing to feet and into space, and more with this exercise. Split your players into 3 teams with 1 ball per team.Preparation:
- Set up this 3 team warmup by splitting players into teams of 4.
- 1 ball per team.
- Players pass within their group of 4 inside the area.
- Players should all be in constant movement, with changes of pace to find space.
- Diamond shape should be a focus to maintain good team shape.
- Players should all be communicating with teammates, calling for passes, calling to the receiver of the pass.
- Passes should be accurate, into space or to feet.
- Players should not be bunched, nor should soccer balls hit each other.
- This also builds great awareness.
- Limit touches to 1 or 2 touch.
- Add a passive defender that can defend any ball/team.
- Allow defender to win the ball.
In and Out Team Drill
Warm up your players with this drill by having your team sprint in and out in an organized circle. Players enjoy this and it ensures you can monitor all of your players properly warming up as a group.
- This fun interactive in and out team warm up, have your players set up in a circle around you in the middle, roughly 10-15 yards away from you.
- Players "home position" is the initial circle and always jogging on the spot.
- If you call in, players sprint into roughly 1-2 yards from you, then back peddle quickly to the home position jogging on the spot.
- If you call out, players turn and sprint away from you until you call "back" and they sprint back into the home position circle.
- Ensure players don't stand flat footed at any time, always on their toes!
- Players should have a good sweat after this warm up.
- Can mix up the calls, for example: sit ups, push ups, jump up, knees up at home position, sprint right or left maintaining the circle shape.
Line Touches Drill
This simple soccer warm up is where 2 line touches the ball back and forth quickly to get their touch on the ball and bodies warming up before training or a game.
A quick and crisp line touches soccer drill
Preparation:- Set up your team in 2 lines to get their line touches on the ball (4-5 per line max) - 1 ball only needed.
- Players use 2 touch to pass to line facing them, then quickly jog to the end of the line to which they passed the ball.
- Players should all be on their toes ready for the pass.
- Passes should be crisp and accurate.
- Players should be calling for the pass, and to whom they are passing to.
- 1st touch should get the ball out of their feet and 2nd should be the crisp pass.
- Remember, encourage successes!
- Have players use 1 touch only.
- Have 1 line pick the ball up, and throw underhand and player volleys the ball back to other line. After each throw/volley players still run to opposite line.
- Have players use their thigh to bring ball to ground and pass back along the ground.
- Have players use their chest to bring the ball down and pass back to other line.
- Place a cone 5 yards on either side of the central point between the 2 lines. To run to the line opposite players must run outside of the cone to their right.
Communication in Soccer:
Be organized on the park with this circle drill
Communication in soccer is an often overlooked area to coach your players on. There are simple ways to incorporate this into almost every drill, and even some specific drills to work on it.Preparation:
- To work on communication in soccer, number your players 1-8 in a circle.
- Circle 7-10 yards in diameter, and have a ball with #1 player.
- Players ALWAYS pass to the next number to theirs, 1 to 2 to 3 to 4 etc and 8 to 1 so the drill begins very basic.
- You call out 2 numbers, those 2 players must sprint around the outside of the circle (in same direction) and stopping when they reach the opening created by the other number.
- You can add in a mistake or errand pass results in push ups or sit ups, but keep them quick (possibly the number of the player in error).
- Example: Players begin passing, you call out 3 and 7. Players must continue to pass until 3 sprints around ending in the 7 position, and the 7 player in the 3 position. Players keep their numbers, 1-8 but the ball will no longer be in a simple circle, forcing players to call for the ball and communication should start to improve.
- Players CAN slightly delay their run until making a pass if necessary.
- Passes should always be firm to feet.
- Players should always be on their toes ready for the pass.
- Players should call for the ball, AND call out who they are passing to.
- Remember, encourage successes!
- Use 2 balls.
- Limit 1 touch only so they must weight passes and communicate even more.
***this drill could also be completed using colored/marked pylons instead of numbers***